Manav Rachna University

FIMI Conference

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A workshop on “Application and Adoption of Solar n mining & Allied Industries” was organized by Mining Engineers Association of India, Delhi chapter in association with Federation of Indian Mineral Industries (FIMI) on 7th May 2016.

The workshop was presided by Chief Guest Mr R. Shridharan, Addl. Secretary Mines, GoI along with President, MEAI Mr. T Victor, Chairman MEAI, Prof BBB Dhar and other dignitaries such as Mr A.K. Kothari, Mr. R. K. Sharma, and Prof. G. S. Roonwal.

Mr S.K. Chawla, Chairman Winnerspitch, was among the few key notable speakers, presented his thoroughly researched presentation titled “Application and Adoption of Solar Power in Mining & Allied Industries”. The presentation was in line with the demand of mining industry and was highly appreciated by more than 60 mining and allied industry experts present.

A sub-committee was formed soon after the session which included various industry experts, advisors along with Mr Neeraj Chawla, MD Winnerspitch. The committee after due discussions with industry experts and solar companies, submitted their proposal to GoI for faster and proper implementation of solar power in Indian mining sector.

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